Perryville aldermen consider managed deer hunts in city


A discussion regarding the option of managed deer hunts within the city limits was one of the main topics of discussion when the Perryville Board of Aldermen met in regular session Tuesday, Oct. 15 at city hall.
The board had previously asked City Administrator Brent Buerck to look into the possibility of allowing the managed hunts, but although research into the matter began immediately, Buerck said due to “full” agendas at previous meetings, he had delayed having the conversation with the board.

“A document from City Attorney Pistorio includes several questions the board will need to work through so I will know how best to proceed in drafting ordinance language,” he said. “I’ve also included a memo from Parks Director Jim Cadwell who has had experience overseeing such hunts at his previous job.”

After around five minutes of discussion about the hunts by the board, Buerck said he would continue researching the issue and get back to the aldermen at a later meeting.

In other action, the board:

– reviewed and approved a Five-Year Capital Improvement Plan for fiscal year 2025-2026 to 2029-2030. The document is a tool used by the staff to communicate their observations, needs and recommended projects for the foreseeable future. The document is reviewed and adjusted annually, and all projects require additional review and approval during the board of aldermen’s budget process.

– approved a resolution allowing the city to enter into an agreement with Bootheel Fence Co, Inc. regarding the Parks and Recreation Department South 61 Maintenance Building Security Fence Project.

– approved a resolution regarding the city’s acceptance of Federal Awards Administration policies and procedures.

– approved a resolution entering into an agreement with Premier Pyrotechnics, Inc. for the city’s 2025 fireworks show.

– approved a resolution to enter into an agreement with Koehler Engineering and Land Surveying, Inc. for environmental consulting services relative to the Perry County EDA Missouri certified Sites Program project.

– Held a second reading and approved authorization regarding a Revenue Anticipation Note regarding the State of Missouri Lead Service Line Inventory Loan Program. The entire project was supposed to be completed by this month but was delayed in many communities, including Perryville, as the DNR grants were being processed and approved.

– Held a second reading and approved the city entering into Amendment 2 to the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission Amendment to State Block Grant Agreement 20-063A-1 regarding the Airport Layout Plan Update.

– Held a first reading of a proposed ordinance allowing the city to enter into an agreement with the Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission regarding construction of a roundabout at Alma Drive and access management along the Route 51 Project.

– Held a first reading of a proposed ordinance approving a Miget Park Deed Restriction regarding the Land Water Conservation Fund grant for the Lucas & Friends Backyard Adventure Playground Project.

In Mr. Buerck’s city administrator report, he announced that former city clerk Tracy Prost had been selected as the recipient of the LAGERS Hero Award. He also discussed the new justice center’s evidence rooms, Perry Country Transfer Station rates, Purple Wave Auction items that had been sold, the Great Central US. Shakeout and Missouri Arts Tour planned for Oct. 17, the Perry County Foundation Anniversary event being held on Nov. 7, DLN visit evaluation comments, the possibility of holding a ribbon cutting ceremony at the airport, Vincentian Way trees, a Wild Caving Brochure and seven articles he shared with the board.

The meeting began with a public hearing regarding a rezoning request made by Jerry Flentge to convert a barn into a self-storage facility at 901 Edgemont Blvd. The Planning and Zoning Committee had previously voted against the request, and several Edgemont Blvd. residents appeared before the board to speak against granting Flentge’s request. The request will be voted on by the board at its next meeting on Nov. 5. The meeting won’t take place at city hall because of the presidential election being held that day.