RM staff
Associate Circuit Judge Frank E. Miller announced his intention to seek the Division II Circuit Judge position for the 32nd Judicial Circuit. The 32nd Circuit is comprised of Bollinger, Cape Girardeau, and Perry counties. Judge Benjamin F. Lewis currently serves in this position, though he has announced he will not seek another six-year term.
Since January 1, 2019, Miller has served as the Division III Associate Circuit Judge. In that time, he has presided over thousands of cases, criminal and civil. Judge Miller regularly presides over cases in Perry and Bollinger counties as well. Before he was elected Division III Associate Circuit Judge, Judge Miller served as a prosecutor for Cape Girardeau County and a special prosecutor for Bollinger and Perry counties.
“I am a no-nonsense Judge who applies the law as it’s written, fairly and effectively,” said Miller. “Circuit Judges hear the highest-profile cases and are under intense scrutiny. My experience as a judge and prosecutor has prepared me for Division 2. On day one, I’ll be ready to serve.”
Heading up Miller’s campaign team will be Dr. Ross Bennett, a dentist from Cape Girardeau, and Fritz Sander, a Jackson businessman.
Miller said of Judge Lewis, “ Judge Ben Lewis has faithfully served the people of the 32nd Judicial Circuit for over twenty-five years. Over half the time, he has served as the Presiding Judge. He has presided over tens of thousands of cases, fairly administering justice throughout his time on the bench. Judge Lewis has been a friend and a mentor, and I wish him well in retirement when the time comes.”
Frank Miller is an eighth-generation resident of Cape Girardeau County. In 1998, he graduated from Jackson High School. Miller then attended Westminster College and received a degree in Business Administration in 2002.
In 2005, Miller graduated from the University of Missouri - Kansas City with a law degree. Upon graduation, Miller worked for U.S. Representative Jo Ann Emerson (MO-8) in Washington, D.C. through 2010.
Miller then returned home as an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for Cape Girardeau County until he was elected to his current position in 2018.
Miller resides in Cape Girardeau with his wife, Elizabeth, and their three children. He is involved in many civic activities, including the Cape Girardeau Noon Lions Club. Miller serves on the board of the Cape Central Booster Club and the Missouri Association of Probate and Associate Circuit Judges and Commissioners.