Life-changing essentials at worship


The core essential activity that must take precedence in the life of the believer is…
 We have examined the priority of prayer and Bible Study.  We can certainly never grow past our time in prayer and the in the Word but to grow in those disciplines without the regular ongoing experience of worship is to be empty.
 Worship is our dynamic confrontation with the living God.  In that experience we are transformed as we focus our eyes on God. 
 Consider a few definitions of worship. I’ll highlight a few phrases.
 “Worship is the adoration of God, the ascription of supreme worth to God, and the manifestation of reverence in the presence of God.” (Willard Sperry) Worship begins with a recognition of God’s presence. Worship is about Him.  He calls us to recognize His presence in the moment.
 Worship is our response to God’s tremendous acts on our behalf.  As God shows Himself to us, we must respond to Him.
 Worship is the adoration of God, the ascription of supreme worth to God, and the manifestation of reverence in the presence of God.” (Willard Sperr) This definition highlights two responses when we encounter God.  Our response must be filled with adoration and reverence.
 “Worship is the adoring response of the creature to the infinite majesty of God.  While it presupposes submission to Him, to worship in the highest sense, is not supplication for needs, or even thanksgiving for blessings, but the occupation of the soul with God Himself…The end of it all is the pure joy of magnifying the One who alone is worthy.” (Robert E. Coleman, in Return to Worship, 50) We respond to God’s self-revelation with adoration.  By doing so we become preoccupied with God Himself.
 As we grow in worship we grow as a disciple.  These are interrelated.  With worship being such a priority how are we doing?  In a recent book on discipleship George Barna revealed some disturbing statistics about Christians and worship.   After each statistic I’ll make a couple of observations.
 3/4th attend worship services in a typical month. (Most are actively engaged in worship.)  Believers attend “worship” services but are they truly worshipping?
Less than 1% of all believers perceived a connection between their efforts to worship God and their development as a disciple of Jesus. Sadly, almost 100% of believers fail to understand the importance of worship to their development as a believer. Tragic.
4 out of 10 (42%) do not know what worship is. (When asked, “In your own words describe…”)  They could not define worship.  Can you?
3 out of 10 say they have not experienced God’s presence in the past year.  30% of believers have not experienced God in more than a year.  How tragic. Further 14% have never experience God’s presence in worship.
 Believers make no habit of building worship as a lifestyle. Worship becomes an event.  They “go to worship” instead of doing worship. 
 In a well familiar passage of Scripture Jesus taught pivotal truths about worship that govern our entire understanding of worship.   It is not my intention to fully develop this chapter, but it is powerful on so many levels. I will focus on one section.
19 “Sir,” the woman said, “I can see that you are a prophet. 20 Our ancestors worshiped on this mountain, but you Jews claim that the place where we must worship is in Jerusalem.”
21 “Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem. 22 You Samaritans worship what you do not know; we worship what we do know, for salvation is from the Jews. truth.”
23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. 24 God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.”
 Jesus’ encounter with this woman was a part of God’s divine plan.  Jesus began this passage by saying that he simply had to go to Samaria.  A Jewish person would travel hundreds of extra miles to avoid this area.  Samaria and its inhabitants were looked down upon as half breeds. 

 They engaged in an amazing conversation in which Jesus drew her closer and closer to the truth of who He is.  As the pressure on her to understand the truth grew, she raised a serious question.  She wanted to know about worship.
 It is true that her question may have been a diversion from the spiritual heat she was enduring.  But her question is a genuine one.  From the days when the temple was rebuilt the separation of these people was complete.  The Samaritans started their own temple on Mt. Gerizim while the Jews continued to worship in Jerusalem.  In answering her questions Jesus taught the five monumental truths I will outline.
 Jesus began with a phrase he reserved for times when his words would be critically important. “Believe me!” Jesus used this phrase when He truly wanted His audience to focus on His words.  Every disciple should pay attention to these truths.
 Jesus Reveals that God SEEKS Worship  
He wants His people to worship Him.  How amazing that Jesus sought out this woman.  He sought her.  He went to her.  She had three strikes against her.  She was a Samaritan.  She was a woman.  By seeking Her Jesus gave her value and validated her worthy.  Finally, she was a woman whose lifestyle made her suspect. 
 No one else wanted to even talk to this woman but Jesus sought her.  She would become a worshipper of Him and He sought that.  If Jesus seeks the worship of this woman, will He not seek you as well. He wants you to experience Him.
 Jesus Answers the WHERE of Worship
Her question was about where worship should happens.  The Samaritans worshipped on Mt. Gerizim.  The Jews insisted that the only true place of worship was Jerusalem.
 Jesus revealed the truth that worship was deeper than a location.  Like the people of that day, believers limit worship.  We believe that worship is contained in a building. In truth, Jesus can be worshipped anywhere.
 The Messiah Reveals the WHEN of Worship 
In one simple phrase Jesus shows believers of all times when they can worship.  The hour is coming, and NOW IS!  Now is the time of worship.   Today.  This hour.  Right now, you can worship.  Whatever time you read these words, look an hour into the future.  That is the time to worship as well.  A day or an hour without worship is too much. 
 The Savior Next Taught the Who of Worship
Jesus issued an indictment on incomplete worship when He said that the Samaritans did not even know who they worshipped.  Worship that is not focused on the Father and the Son is not worship.  Emotional experiences are not worship.  It is all about Him.  It is not about you.  We cannot truly worship without a laser focus on Him.
 Finally, Jesus Told Us the How of Worship
Jesus twice told the same truths.  We must worship in Spirit and Truth.  Worship that exists in one realm or the other is incomplete.
 Our worship must be done, first, in Spirit.  Worship must be connected to our inner being, our heart.  Worship must engage our feelings.  Worship not in spirit is done in the flesh. 
 Balancing worship in spirit our worship must also be in truth.  Truth speaks of worship engaging our mind.  We must think about what we are saying in worship.  How do we sing “I lift my hands” with our hands down?  We cannot sing “Standing on Promises” while we sit and stew.  Do we really surrender all when we say we do?
 We cannot sing words without engaging our minds. Both traditional hymns and modern worship songs can be flawed in theology. 
 God still seeks worshippers. He still longs to meet you.   Now is the hour.  Find a place and use whatever method enables you to focus on worship. 
Mike Friesz is the pastor of Calvary Baptist Church. He can be reached by email at