The Perryville Board of Aldermen discussed and approved several issues at its latest meeting on January 16. The board entered into an agreement with Main Street Signs for signage for the Perry Park Center. The building was recently painted and the outside is now ready for signs to be put up.
The board entered into an agreement for professional services with Bacon, Farmer, Workman Engineering & Testing relative to Traffic Study - Route 51 from I-55 to Alma Avenue. MoDOT has preapproved qualified and eligible firms as consultants on their Traffic Engineering Assistance Program (TEAP). Although the city were not selected for a grant this cycle, staff felt it important to use a qualified firm whose quality of work was already “blessed” by MoDot. Officials interviewed two firms and recommend Bacon, Farmer, Workman Engineering & Testing.
They have a Cape Girardeau office that is largely staffed with former MoDOT employees, many of whom have a long history of positive working relationships with City staff. The board also entered into an agreement with Perry County School District No. 32 for a second School Resource Officer. District Officials applied for and received a COPS Secure Our Schools (SOS) grant which will help cover the costs of a 2nd SRO (School Resource Officer) for District #32. The City essentially served as a conduit for this application as we have a police department and can carry the license for the officer. Although officially a city employee, District #32 and this grant will pay for 100% of all personnel costs, aside from Police Officer-specific equipment which will be issued and owned by the City.
In the consent agenda, the board set a public hearing for paved trail in Viola Blechle Park on Feb. 6. This program is designed to help develop park infrastructure in communities throughout Missouri. The city has been a successful applicant multiple times in the past and this year’s proposed project was first identified in our park’s master plan.
The project’s goal will better connect Viola Blechle to the soccer park and the sidewalk infrastructure running along Bruce Street. Additionally, it will add a perimeter trail around Viola Blechle Park to better serve the neighborhood there and eventually connect to the city-wide greenway that is phased for construction.
The board approved the purchase of six Dodge Durango Police Package vehicles from Keller Motors. This is a budgeted purchase for new police cruisers. Similar to other departments, Administration would like to transition exclusively to SUV cruisers as opposed to sedan. The Durango’s purchase, production and delivery is much more predictable than is the schedule for the Ford Explorers (which we currently have several). In their research, the police department has been assured the Perry County Sheriff’s Department and Highway Patrol have had good experiences with the Durango.
The board approved specifications for the Fireworks Display for July 3 and authorize staff to advertise for request for proposals. After decades of service, the Rotary advised local government partners that 2023 would be their last fireworks show in order that they might focus on other Rotary priorities that better align with Rotary’s International goals. Proposed is a cost-share between the City, County, and Heritage Tourism with each entity contributing $5,000.
The board approved a request from Immanuel Lutheran School to hold a boot drive on the Downtown Square on Friday and Saturday, April 5-6, 2024. Parents of Immanuel Lutheran School 2023-24 7th Graders are holding various fundraisers to support their 8th grade class trip to Washington D.C. This fundraiser will help defer the cost of the trip for the students and their families. They have requested permission to hold a “boot drive” in the Downtown Square. The hours of consideration are April 5th and 6th, Friday from 4:00pm-6:30pm and Saturday from 8:30am-10:30am. The event will be staffed by both students and parents.
They will stand at the intersection, collecting change from vehicles at the stoplights. All necessary precautions will be taken to keep everyone safe. If approved, staff proposes that traffic lights be set to “stop and go” as opposed to “red light/green light.”