Letters to the Editor: Votes Count


Dear Editor
As I began to read last weeks news article about the Libertarianism is on the rise in our community, I feel the need to disagree.
Over the last several months this word has been “thrown out in our community very loose”.
As a conservative I feel this is a insult to the True Republican Conservative platform for which I stand for, which is truth and transparency for our County and Country.
I am an elected Republican Chair Lady and speak in unison with the majority of the elected Republican Central Committee and have worked closely with candidates and some have been vetted which some would say they don’t want to vet their candidates and I would ask” Why Not?
We have seen over the last few years what has happened to our small home town community. We now have a big conglomerate Mercy running our use to be Perry County Memorial Hospital, and recently our 911 is going to leave our town to St. Francis with our tax dollars. We as citizens have not had much input in these issues even though we pay our taxes and this is our town.

As a Republican we do need change and be involved with our county and stand for what is right for our citizens. We must chan,ge all the closed sessions on every issue and get people involved and let our voice be heard not silenced.
I continue to stand for truth and transparency which is why we do need to vote and make changes to stop the “go along to get along”. We need to put Perry County First. We don’t need Democrats that can’t get elected and flip to the Republican side to get in office, that doesn’t stand for our values, so make sure you understand who and what you are voting for and what they truly stand for.
As a true Republican I stand for: Lower Taxes, Smaller Government, Pursuit of Happiness and Freedom to live our best lives. We have to protect what the people of Perry County have worked and supported.
This is what we truly want for Perry County, so yes please vote and vote for the honest and true candidates that will help make Perry County Great Again.
Thank you,
Marsha Hutchison