Letter to the Editor: Republican Party


Dear Editor
All men are flawed, whether they run for political office or not. We look in vain, for perfection among men.Yet, we all want the best elected servants available that can fulfill the job of serving our local citizens without the influence of politically motivated election interference and other blatant idiocrycies.
Have you noticed the Republican Party is getting a tremendous boost from the continual evil treatment of Donald Trump?
Because of this communistic style demand for Trump to ‘cease and desist’ from simply being a true American, there’s been a great increase in Trump support, and it’s been a tremendous help to the Party of Trump, the Republican Party.
The unjust and hypocritical treatment of that man has certainly boosted the Republican Party to get:
1. More Votes
2. More Endorsements
3. More Rallies
4. More Funding
5. More Donations
6. More exposing of the deep state
7. and many more True American Patriots to join its ranks.
More and more people are switching to the Republican Party as Americans are forced to watch our Republican President fight, day and night, fake trials and fabricated charges that are clearly politically motivated to affect the next election.
It’s because of this chicanery that many Democrats are switching parties, many Libertarians are switching parties, and complacent Republicans are getting motivated and more involved.

The Libertarian Party is so disappointed in their own candidates that, in an unprecedented move, they’ve actually invited Donald Trump and Joe Biden to speak at their national convention. So far, only Trump has accepted.
Candidates, who formerly identified with a different Party, are now running as Republicans, knowing that the platform of their former party has contributed significantly to the current problems.
At this point, Americans have seen enough, and we will unapologetically speak up against this present evil agenda that chooses:
- to continue to enslave us financially,
- to start endless wars,
- to jail innocent Americans,
- to force gender chaos on our kids,
- to continue the whole sale murder of the unborn,
- to force the acceptance of unlimited sexual perversions on our nation,
- to demand changing the definition of Biblical marriage in the name of “Liberty” when it’s actually being a libertine. (Note: a libertine is a person who behaves without moral principles or any sense of responsibility, especially in sexual matters.)
I want to encourage all Perry County Citizens to familiarize themselves with the Missouri Republican platform. And if you haven’t done so already, make a move to support the Party of Abraham Lincoln and the Party of Donald Trump. In my opinion, the “Grand Ole Party” has the best solutions for our nation’s moral, social, economic, and political problems.
Obviously, because they are made up of men, no political party is flawess.
However, please also read the Libertarian and Democrat political platforms, and you’ll see what I’m talking about.
Mark Renaud