By Christopher Seah
A statement announcing that “You are blessed” may evoke a variety of reactions. It may evoke joy from some, nonchalance from others, or even annoyance! Some may find themselves rolling their eyes and saying, “I certainly don’t feel blessed! Can’t you see how hard life is for me, right now?”
But what if I told you that the declaration “You are blessed!” is based in God’s Word? God’s promises do not change—no matter what our insides say, no matter what is happening in our corner of the world. God’s Word tells us that He “has blessed us in Christ with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places” (Eph. 1:3).
And as the rest of Ephesians 1 unfolds, we are shown what those blessings include. God has chosen us for Himself “before the foundation of the world” (v. 4). He has lavished His grace upon us (v. 6, 8). He has forgiven our countless trespasses against His Law (v. 7). He has enlightened us concerning His plans for the future (v. 9-10). He has given us an eternal inheritance (v. 11). He has sealed us “with the promised Holy Spirit” who guarantees that we will acquire that inheritance (v. 13, 14). And He will unite us fully with our Lord (v. 10).
So beloved friend in Christ, we should agree with our heavenly Father that we are blessed. Ephesians 1:3 is our reality. God has said that it is. Should we stand in judgment over God’s Word? Should we question our Father’s promises to us—promises that He sealed with the blood of His own Son? May it never be! It is precisely in moments of hardship that we rise up against our feelings and embrace our Father’s life-giving promise: “God has blessed me in Jesus Christ. I will not doubt what He has said! He has chosen me to be His child. He has forgiven my sins. He has given me an eternal inheritance in Him! His Holy Spirit will never leave me or forsake me.”
Our Father’s life-giving blessings help us withstand our deathly realties. Even if you are surrounded by criticism from every side, your Father approves of you. He calls you His beloved, His favored one. Even if your marriage is falling apart, your Father has not dissolved His covenant with you, having sealed it with His Son’s blood. Even if your conscience accuses you of not doing all that He has called you to do, God continues to bless you abundantly, because Christ is your righteousness. Even if your days are numbered, God’s blessings are not. In fact, they will protect you all throughout this life and usher you into the new creation.
What would help us dwell on God’s blessings is to peel our eyes off our circumstances and give them to Jesus. It is in Him that all blessings are found. Jesus is the beloved Son of the Father, who has done all the Father’s will. By His total devotion to the Father, Jesus fulfilled all of God’s commands for you. By His death, Jesus freed you from your guilt. He has accomplished your redemption—all of it, from start to finish, with nothing left out. By “looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith” (Heb. 12:2), we can live with a constant awareness of how greatly blessed and fully loved we are by our heavenly Father. We have peace and joy, even in the midst of uncertainty and hardship.
So hear it again. You are blessed because of Jesus. You are favored by your heavenly Father. You are kept by the power of His Holy Spirit. Now heave a sigh of relief!