By John Chamness
A classic book of historical fiction entitled, “The Robe”, chronicles a journey Jesus’ robe took as it passed from one owner to another. Reminiscent of Elijah’s mantle, Jesus’ robe endowed each wearer with spiritual aura; each life was changed by its mere presence. This report was certainly not true, of course. It was from that book of fiction.
Ever wish for a spiritual mantle or a double portion of some powerful Christian minister? These holy vestiges seem to hold out an irresistible promise of power; relics make interesting fiction. And all the more so if they happen to be religious relics. What wouldn’t we give to be able to hold or own the robe that Jesus wore? How about wishing we could win that big lottery?
But the truth about Jesus’ robe is far more compelling. The 4-man squad of soldiers who had driven the nails, raised the Lord on the cross, and divided His clothes received little enough compensation for their unpleasant task, a seamless coat. Yet in casting lots for the robe, they fulfilled a prophecy whose odds were one in thirty-three million!
The truth is that the probabilities of this, other prophecies, or winning the lottery one in 33 million or as we are told one in 303 million! That is based on the thought that everyone in America will buy only one ticket.
So much is said, and so many people are spending their last dollar or going into debt to purchase lottery tickets in hopes of winning a billion dollars; gambling in a near impossibility.
We should be more attracted though by the reason of religion than by the relics of religion, or winning a lottery. Truth is always more striking than fiction!
Gambling with religious relics and belief instead of the absolutes given us in God’s Word is dangerous. Today our society is more consumed with desire to have everything our way than we are desirous of living according to God’s absolutes.
We are consumed with the belief that we’re going to win eternity even though we don’t believe in the absolutes of male and female; homosexuality is perfectly okay and will be overlooked by the eternal judge; lying, cheating, stealing, and even destroying others lives is a perfectly acceptable way of life. What a gamble!
My friends, don’t take that chance concerning your eternal destiny. God did not lie when He made man in His image; “male and female created He them.” The absolute truth is revealed to us in His commandments, and more. Believe it or not; these things are still absolute and no gamble at all if we truly live this way.
“Thou shalt have no other gods before Me; thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image; do not bow down and worship any other image; remember the sabbath day and keep it holy; honor thy father and mother; do no murder; do not commit adultery (with men or women); do not steal; do not bear false witness against thy neighbor; do not covet anything belonging to others.” Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and develop a personal relationship with Him! Absolutes that will win eternal and everlasting life for you.
Don’t forget to love one another. There is a good reason for this, it is Jesus’ commandment. See you in Church.
Rev. Dr. John I Chamness is pastor of the Family Worship Center A/G in Chester. He may be reached by phone at 573-547-7634 or by email at