Letter to the Editor: Leadership


Missouri Legislature is broken. With a Republican majority in Jefferson City, a person would think that good conservative bills would be passed. That is not so. The state senate has 24 Republican Senators. Most of the time only eight of them vote for conservative values. Why do the other Republican Senators vote with the Democrats? They either vote lockstep with leadership or have sold out to the lobbyists promising them money. Even Senate leadership has sold out to the almighty dollar, instead of voting for the people who elected them.
It is time to elect strong leadership for the great state of Missouri. It is time to elect men that have proven their leadership skills as evidence by their history of already serving their country. Strong leadership is not a candidate that relies on big money from establishment dollars.
It is time to elect candidates that put Missouri first, If not, Missouri will quickly be turning into a state like Illinois.

Brenda Hopfer