God calls us to prepare during Advent


For Christians, the season of Advent, which began this past Sunday, is a time of preparation and renewal for the Church. It is a time not to plunge fully into Christmas, but to take measured steps toward Christmas, with hearts and ears open to portions of God’s Word in the meanwhile. One of the readings of Advent comes from the prophet Isaiah: “Comfort, comfort my people!” says your God. A few verses later the prophet says, “A voice of one calling: In the desert prepare the way for the Lord.” Now there is a lot more in the reading than we can explore here, but let’s just look at these words.
Clearly, John the Baptist took these words as his life’s work and, at a place in the Jordan River where there was sufficient water, He was in the wilderness, preaching and baptizing. And lots of folks were coming to him and taking warning from his words, turning from their sin to faith in God the Forgiver. He was the voice of one calling in the desert, “Prepare the way for the Lord!”
On the northwest corner of the Dead Sea lie the ruins of a community called Qumran. At the time of John the Baptist and Jesus Christ, the Qumran community, composed of dedicated followers of a sect called the Essenes, carried on quite an odd lifestyle. They had read Isaiah’s prophecy too, and were convinced it meant “in the wilderness prepare…” And that is just what they did. Amid deprivations of food and sleep and most other creature comforts, they were in the wilderness, preparing. Their lives revolved around the Word of God, prayer, and ritual washings for the sake of preparation and purity. They also read the word of God, in shifts, around the clock. They copied the sacred scrolls. We hear nothing about them in the New Testament, and about the time of the Jewish revolt (70 A.D.) they seem to go silent. We would know almost nothing about them had their ruins not survived, and had not their sacred cache of scrolls been discovered, beginning in 1947, a body of writings called ‘The Dead Sea Scrolls.’

In the wilderness, prepare… The Essenes were quite earnest in their preparation, and that they do so where the prophet Isaiah had said to do it: “In the desert prepare…”
Which brings us back to Advent and God’s call for preparations. It seems we need not make a pilgrimage to a desert. If we simply allow some reflective time, we will find plenty enough desert in our own hearts and souls where, with thoughtful and prayerful questions, the preparation of repentance can be made. Perhaps, as we consider our own station in life, guided by the Ten Commandments (the Luther’s Small Catechism meanings are really helpful here) we can prayerfully reflect upon our own sinful pride, and our failure to take seriously the warnings and promises of God’s Word. Moreover, it’s time to fully believe all the wonderful things God has done on our behalf in sending His dear Son, Jesus Christ, to dwell among us as an infant, conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin named Mary to be innocently condemned and crucified on our behalf, and to rise from the dead to give us forgiveness, peace, and a certain expectation of eternal life! This is preparation that will bear fruit! We have a beloved hymn that expresses this: On Jordan’s bank the Baptist’s cry, Announces that the Lord is nigh. Awake and hearken for he brings, Glad tidings from the King of Kings. Then cleansed be every life from sin; Make straight the way for God within, And let us all our hearts prepare, For Christ to come and enter there.
Rev. Dr. Paul R. Winningham is pastor of Grace Lutheran and Zion Lutheran Churches in Uniontown and Longtown.