For as long as God has been good to His people, they have given thanks to Him. In the days when the earth was young and the harvest was done, Cain and Abel brought their offerings of thanks to God. (Genesis 4:3) God had been good to them and blessed them in the field and with the flock. From God’s hand they had received many good things; therefore, they choose the best and with sacrificial fire gave it back to God. It was all from Him; it all belonged to Him. Abel’s sacrifice was with glad and faithful gratitude and God was pleased.
So on down through the centuries God’s children have made their sacrifices of thanksgiving. The response of God’s people to His gifts is thankfulness. Each day for each person has its gifts and from each person therefore thanks is owed to God each day. And so we pray, “Oh give thanks unto the Lord, for he is good. His mercy endures forever.” (Psalm 136:1)
This simple and common prayer of thanks succinctly presents the reason for our thankfulness to God - His mercy or what might otherwise be translated as His steadfast love, loving-kindness, or goodness. God indeed faithfully provides all that we need to support body and life and for that we should indeed be heartily thankful. And yet, what is greater, is that God has mercy upon us; that is, He doesn’t give us what we deserve for our sins (Romans 6:23).