As I begin my third year here in Perryville as a Vincentian priest, since attending St. Mary’s Seminary as a college student over 50 years ago, much has changed… very, very much! But one thing I still experience is the kindness and generosity of so many people.
People seem to always have the time to pause and say ‘hello,’ share a story, share a moment, and share their genuine concern for neighbors and friends. Like sharing their time, many also share their space with others: a space on their calendars to visit someone at the hospital or nursing home, a space from their gardens and cupboards to share food for their neighbors and our local poor, a space in their finances to donate to raffles, charities and local organizations who reach out to our less fortunate… you name it, and it happens here in Perryville and throughout Perry County.
One such organization, which many of you know about, is the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, with its thrift shop and outreach to individuals and families who come upon hardships and tough times. Always taking the time and sharing its space to help those in need, I’d like to bring you up-to-speed on the efforts of the society to improve and enlarge its space for caring here in Perryville.
Since its 2022 purchase of the American Legion Colonnade Room at 312 N. Jackson St., the society has made great strides in renovating the present building and raising the funds to build additions to this present space.
As Andy Graf, president of our local conference of the society, has announced throughout this process: “Our commitment to our neighbors-in-need has led us to launch this dynamic capital campaign to unite our community in support of our efforts to provide more space and time in our mission serving these neighbors who look to us for assistance.”
The blueprints for the addition have been completed, ‘stamped’ and distributed for the winning bid to be announced by the end of this month. More information from the society will be shared with the full community once a contractor has been chosen and other details are worked out.
But for now, our local conference, founded in 1996 through St. Vincent de Paul Parish, remains a beacon of hope for our community. And the legacy of the worldwide Society of St. Vincent de Paul, founded in Paris, France, in 1833 by Blessed Frederic Ozanam, can be a cause of celebration for us all. Each year on Sept. 9, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of Frederic Ozanam, a Catholic layman, university scholar and professor. He was confronted by his young students with a blunt truth: Christians have been called by Jesus Himself to care for the poor, yet few sources of assistance and aid had been organized throughout France and Europe to reach out to the needy.
Frederic took it upon himself to form a fellowship of Christian laypeople who would immerse themselves in the world of the poor and find concrete and tangible ways to reach out to those in need. Reading about and learning more about St. Vincent de
Paul who two centuries earlier, also in France, devoted his life to serving the poor, Frederic slowly began this innovative organization. It took root and soon began to spread throughout the world, even branching out to St. Louis, Mo., and our own Perry County. And now, like a hardy oak or pine tree, more and better space is needed to service society’s goals, and this new caring space is coming our way on Jackson Street in Perryville.
“Our society has been here for over 25 years,” beams Andy Graf, “and we see God’s hands with us as we venture forth into the future and an improved space.”
The Reverend Jay Jung, C.M., is the Senior Priest in Service at St. Vincent de Paul Parish in Perryville. Ordained in 1977, he graduated from St. Mary’s of the Barrens College Seminary in 1973 and has served in both educational settings and parish ministry for over 45 years. He is a member of the Congregation of the Mission, commonly known as the Vincentian Fathers and Brothers.