78 results total, viewing 51 - 75
Having observed yet another anniversary of our nation’s independence, it may benefit us to recall a rather obscure bit of our history. A glimpse back over two centuries may help us recover a … more
Yogi Berra, the famous manager of the New York Yankees, was also a homespun philosopher. Four years after he died in 2015, USA Today published a list of the 50 greatest Yogi Berra quotes. Some of my … more
I am writing today’s column the day after I had the honor of conducting my Uncle Ronny’s funeral. Many members of our family gathered to celebrate his life and grieve his death. Like all … more
Like many, I was blessed to be with my family on Memorial Day. As I talked with my mother about the holiday, she reminded me of a story I heard years ago from one of my favorite family members, Uncle … more
If you could envision your happiest life, what would it be? How we answer this question depends on so many different factors: our temperaments, our values (those we grew up with and those we picked … more
The Minister Group was meeting at our home. I was looking forward to seeing all of them. Being a good husband, I offered my wife my help in getting the dinner ready. She said she could use some help … more
For over 2,000 years the life of Jesus has fascinated millions. Even many who do not follow the teachings of Jesus are captivated by the way he treated others. Recently I have been listening to Mary … more
Whomever is watching, listening to the awful media reports these days concerning murder, terrorism, thievery, manipulation of the masses, etc., etc., may join with me in declaring what we really need … more
Each morning on his way to work, Glen went through the drive-through of a local coffee shop to order a coffee for himself and pay for the order of the person behind him in line. According to Kirsten … more
Lee Strobel’s journey to faith was long and difficult. The former atheist was an award-winning legal editor of the Chicago Tribune when he set out to discredit the Christian faith. Strobel was … more
It was with the best of intentions that this teenager stopped by the local florist to get some flowers for my mother for Mothers’ Day. It was the Saturday prior, and they were quite busy … more
Perhaps the most famous person I have ever met was Henry Winkler. It was at a library convention, and he had written a series of books for middle school students, but I went to see him because he was … more
I enjoyed reading about young Nelson Bell in the October 28, 2022, Our Daily Bread. Devotional writer, Karen Huang, described how Bell graduated from medical school in 1916; later that year he and … more
Forgiveness is a long and painful journey. As C.S. Lewis said, “Forgiveness is a beautiful word, until you have something to forgive.” George Barna did some research on this subject and … more
Few outside the ranks of historians know much about President James Garfield and for good reason; our twentieth president was elected on March 4, 1881, and died on September 19 after being in office … more
All of us have read an inspirational story which made us smile, however, occasionally, a friend plays a significant role in one of those stories and it touches us in a special way. The previous … more
Joe and Sonya Kinder of Sedgewickville announce the birth of their son Titan Odell Kinder. He was born at 1:15 p.m. on Saturday, February 25, 2023, at Southeast Hospital in Cape Girardeau. He weighed … more
It was a time of great activity for Jesus. John the Baptist, Jrsus’ cousin had just been beheaded, Jesus fed the 5,000 with only five loaves of bread and two fish, He had healed many of their … more
Last November an article from Michigan State University (MSU) addressed the devastating impact of rampant loneliness in the United States. It spoke of a recent Cigna study which reported these … more
Nearly seven centuries prior to Christ, the Hebrew prophet Isaiah wrote a masterful poem (song) which embodied all manner of details that would unfold in the crucifixion, death, and resurrection of … more
Philip Yancey is one of my favorite authors. His fascinating book, The Jesus I Never Knew, did more than merely expand my view of Jesus; it exploded it. Yancey shattered preconceptions I did not … more
Occasionally, I will notice, usually on Facebook, one of those lists where you add up how many times you have or haven’t done something. The list might include such things as flown on a plane, … more
The core essential activity that must take precedence in the life of the believer is… We have examined the priority of prayer and Bible Study.  We can certainly never grow past our … more
While I like sports, I have many friends who love them. Sportsmanship is important in the world of sports. The Merriam Webster’s Intermediate Dictionary defines the word this way, “fair … more
Beads, parades, more beads, lots to eat and drink, beads, high-stepping band members, King cakes, more beads, all the stuff of Mardi Gras. And now that ‘Fat Tuesday’ is behind us, let us … more
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